This site is being preserved as it was on 17 September 2001 as a memorial to the life and work of Eberhard Wenzel.
Website by Eberhard Wenzel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The Healing Circle:   January
Name: Alison Rowe
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Eberhard, This my first visit to your site and to your guestbook - I like this idea. Because I'm in the middle of working on something, I am sneaking a quick visit now, as I've just got your address from David Wheeler, but I haven't sneaked enough time to read through all of it, just today's section. I'll visit properly with a clear conscience later tonight. I've been wondering how you've been getting on with the radiotherapy- it was just startng when I called from Geneva a fortnight ago, I think - and it was very uncomfortable - I can't imagine that's changed but at least I hope it's more uncomfortable for the cancer than for you! I remember seeing something about the way the radiation is focused - like the opposite of a beam from a torch? Wide at the one end and narrow at the focal point of impact...That's what I imagine is happening with you, and I am supporting in my mind the searing away process and the healing afterwards. My son Tom had a sore throat this morning, and last night, and I thought of you. I believe in the power of mind over matter - and I know that you have a great force in your inner nature to fight with. So does Rosmarie. You will make a good team I know in this. We are all thinking of you. With love, Alison, Daniel, Rebecca, Eleanor and Thomas Rowe
Wednesday January 31st 2001 03:58:04
Name: Ralf Itzwerth
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, Smita und ich wuenschen Dir Alles Gute und ausreichend Kraft von der Du offenbar ein erstaunliches, beeindruckendes Mass hast. Wir sind hin&her gerissen zwischen Erschrecken ueber Deine Erkrankung und Erstaunen ueber Deinen humorvollen und auch oeffentlichen Umgang damit. Alles Liebe Smita & Ralf
Monday January 29th 2001 03:48:38
Name: Peter Franzkowiak
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, ich trete in diesen Healing Circle ein, werde ein weiteres Glied in deiner globalen Kette, noch besser gesagt (mit Ron Labonte): ein klickender Eiswürfel im Heilungscocktail. Netz hin, virtuelle Schleifen her - der HC kommt mir mehr und mehr wie eine ganz herkömmliche, doch so selten gewordene GUTE Grossfamilie vor. Mit all den anderen schliesse ich einen Kreis gegen deinen Krebs, für deine Genesung. Wir geben unsere Kraft hinein, so klein und fern und zufällig sie sein mag. Sie möge dir nützen, dich schützen, dich trösten, dich zum Denken, Weinen, Lachen bringen - was immer du jetzt braucht, was immer dein Case Management erfordert. Der HC hat in meinem Navigator eine Adresse namens dreambooks.sowieso.etc. - ist das eigentlich Absicht oder Zufall? Traumpfade und Alptraumgruben liegen in deinen Tagesberichten so nah beieinander, wie es wohl mit dieser Krankheit und (mit ihr) in diesen Systemen nicht anders geht. Seit Tagen drängt sich hier mein alter hermeneutischer Mentor in die Gedanken und Gefühle: "Die Grundtatsache bleibt, dass die Krankheit und nicht die Gesundheit das sich selbst Objektivierende, d.h. sich Entgegenwerfende, kurz das Aufdringliche ist" (H.-G. Gadamer). Aufdringlich, fürwahr. Zum Glück hat dich dein caustic wit (schöner Ausdruck, im Deutschen so gut wie unübersetzbar) nicht verlassen, wie die jüngste 12$80-Episode zeigt. Das wiederum erinnert mich an das famose Manila Diary, das etliche dieser aberwitzigen Momente im ganz normalen Alltag festhielt und dann (mit)teilte. Nun hast du zwar ein anderes (Über)Lebensthema, bist aber wieder stranger in a strange land. Kämpfst dich durch ein Gelände so vertraut und heimelig wie der Kaiserstuhl, so fern und unwirtlich wie der Mars. Werde gesund, aus dir, mit der, durch die, meinethalben auch trotz der Behandlung. Wenn sie "kausal" hilft, ist's gut, wenn nicht, dann soll sie wenigstens deine inneren Heilungskräfte nicht beschädigen. Liegt der Ausgang, wie zu erwarten ist, irgendwo in der Mitte zwischen Toxischem und Spirituellem, zwischen Krieg den Zellen und Friede dem Körper, soll's wenigstens am Ende gut ausgehen. Und doch: "I know what I am / a solitary man / a solitary man" (Neil Diamond / Johnny Cash). Dein Peter/Albert. Herzliche Grüße an Rosmarie.
Saturday January 27th 2001 12:25:05
Name: Ronald Labonte
E-mail address:
Comments: It's a curious homeopathic twist on allopathy: The toxicity of cancer is treated with the toxicity of carcinogenic substances. I feared the lemons might eventually catch up with the gin. (Love those metaphors, baby.) I suppose it just means you have to imagine yourself as the gin and the rest of us in the healing circle as the ice cubes. Clink. Clink. Clink. Around the globe. All bound together in the desire to think out the lemon and let the gin (however many kilos lighter) rise up to the surface. Arohanui, big E.
Tuesday January 23rd 2001 07:41:35
Name: Karimi
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo Eberhard, It's me again. I have been reading through your personal website and one of the the ideas that struck me is that, I feel you are a very good man to share your personal experiences with us.Much as I have learnt alot from that I am very optimistic and believe that the lord God is with you and that you shall be well very soon. Elvianna passes her regards too. Mohammed has already left for sydney. I wish you quick recovery and may the God our Creater heal you. Karimi.
Monday January 22nd 2001 11:23:16
Name: Eamon Jefford
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear eberhard i dont know where to start but perhaps the big c stands for courage.I wish you and rosemary all the best and hope to see you soon.I will leave you with this statement that is so much you.EVOLVED INDIVIDUALS PUT THEMSELVES LAST, AND YET THEY ARE FIRST.PUT THEMSELVES OUTSIDE,AND YET THEY REMAIN.IS IT NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE WITHOUT SELF INTEREST THAT THEIR INTERESTS SUCEED.
Monday January 22nd 2001 10:55:23
Name: Winsome St John
Comments: Eberhard, Just to let you know that my thoughts are with you. I do hope that you meet with some care and compassion in the health system. Thankyou for sharing your journey with us. Belief, humour and caring for yourself are as important as medicine. Winsome.
Monday January 22nd 2001 10:33:37
Name: Peter Voß E-mail address: Comments: Lieber Eberhard, wir leben nun mal in einer chaotischen Welt, wo direkte Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen nur in den Schulbüchern vorkommen. Deine Beobachtungen zu den "Side- effects" spiegeln nur die Realität wider. Kein Medikament und keine Behandlung wirken eindimensional, aber Pharmaproduzenten und Ärzte wollen uns das dennoch glauben machen. Deshalb reden sie von "Haupt-" und "Nebenwirkungen". Das ist pure Konsumenten/Patienten- Verdummung. Die Bewertung der Wirkung ist immer subjektiv. "Operation gelungen - Patient tot!" Deine Ärzte bekämpfen die Tumorzellen, wenn es sein muss, auch mit schwerem Geschütz. Dass du abgeschlafft bist, nicht schlucken kannst, dass dir die Haare ausfallen etc. - das sind deine "persönlichen Probleme", d.h. Nebenwirkungen, welche die wissenschaftlichen Methode selbst nicht in Frage stellen dürfen. "Disease Management" müsste dagegen vom Patienten ausgehen und sein Wohlbefinden in den Mittelpunkt der Behandlung stellen, dann wäre das Absterben der Krebszellen vielleicht eine (erwünschte) Nebenwirkung. Übrigens ist diese Verdummung mittels Sprache auch schon in die Politik übergegangen: "Kollateralschäden". Der klinisch saubere Schlag gegen Saddams Bunker wird leider durch ein paar tote Iraker und GI's getrübt. Sorry. Bewahre dir deinen Humor und dein Selbstvertrauen, dann wird sich aus den vielen Nebenwirkungen bald die Hauptwirkung "Gesundheit" ergeben. Peter Monday January 22nd 2001 01:12:27
Name: Willa
E-mail address:
Comments: What an amazing network of friends you have! Just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as well, and candles have been lit on your behalf. Thank you so much for sharing the journey. Best wishes, Willa
Sunday January 21st 2001 05:39:49
Name: David
E-mail address:
Comments: Thanks for so generously making this information available - not only to folks like me with a vested interest in hearing about how a buddy is doing but also to the many others who will now have your brave footsteps to use as a guide to help them learn the dance much affection David
Sunday January 21st 2001 05:22:17
Name: Louise Rowling
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard What a wonderful experience it is reading your accounts of our 'disease management system'. I think the 'words' we use are really important and you have, as usual, insightfully 'diagnosed' the paradox. Twenty years of interviewing people about their loss and grief has not lessened my admiration for the openness and honesty that facing life and death issues brings out. It is the authenticity of the stories that brings the tears to my eyes. The story of your journey and the responses from those travelling with you has had the same effect. You will be offering us insights into the disease management system and the field of loss and grief and I thank you for that pushing the boundaries once more.
Sunday January 21st 2001 03:13:48
Name: Otter
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Little Dancing Bear: Oh I wish I could be there to help Rosmarie take care of you. She is a wonder and I am so glad she is there. I may come to Brisbane in February since Jerry may not want to go. I hope you will let me come to visit you...I won't stay because I don't want to be in the way of your treatment, but I would like to see you both. Stay sleeping like the little bear from Montana. Hugs to both of you...Otter
Friday January 19th 2001 02:40:33
Name: Ana Sosmena
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard:It is heartening to know of your courage and humorous approach to a "passing stage" in your life. Keep up with the good spirits and may you find comfort that very best wishes for your total recovery are shared by people who know you and that the power of the Supreme Being shall undertake its divine intervention. Our warmest regards to you and Rosmarie. From Det and Ana
Friday January 19th 2001 09:44:05
Name: Deva, Parameshvara
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard and Rosemarie, I heard of Eberhard's ordeal from Mila in WPRO. I am saddened but also full of admiration for the courage Eberhard has in facing thie big C. Eberhard, although we have not met, I know Rosemarie well as my predecessor and a very energetic person in WPRO. My wife and I are praying for your health and recovery. M P Deva Perak College of Medicine Ipoh, Malaysia
Friday January 19th 2001 01:49:15
Name: Stephanie Short
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, I'm sitting in a School of Health Services Management reading your personal diary. My thoughts are with you, and have been since I heard of your illness on Tuesday 16th. I was pleased to talk with Rosemarie on Wedneaday--one of your long days at the hospital. Your insights are amazing, frank and humorous. You are describing the tragedy, the humour and pathos, of health care so precisely, and in a way that makes most research on the subject seem totally self-indulgent or irrelevant. The lack of punctuality, reliability, courtesy etc. are appalling, and I thank you for making them semi-public. I hope you meet some considerate people along the way,too. The 'Patient Neglect Chaos' -- I will quote you in my introductory 'Health Care Systems' lecture this session. I will keep in touch. With warmest regards, to you and Rosemarie, Stephanie
Thursday January 18th 2001 09:00:46
Name: Kathleen Lilley
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard Your amazing courage to tackle cancer in this way is inspirational. Best Wishes Kathleen Lilley
Thursday January 18th 2001 07:08:23
Name: Mila Pascual
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, Words are not enough to let you know how I feel when I learned of your illness. I am consoled, though, of the knowledge that all of us are blessed with an inner strength that would allow us to surmount any crossroad. Keep up with the courage, dear Sir. You are always in my prayers. Mila Pascual WHO/WPRO, Manila
Wednesday January 17th 2001 06:21:18
Name: Ken Harvey
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Eberhard, Hang on in there. My thoughts are with you. With best wishes, Ken
Wednesday January 17th 2001 05:50:02
Name: Jan Ritchie
E-mail address:
Comments: Dearest Eberhard The Lancet was right when it said you were exceptional - or words to that effect! Reading and sharing both your personal experiences and the comments from "guests" is a privilege which all of us on your listserve, I know, will regard as the BEST part of being in your inner circle. As Obe Ben Kenobe in Star Wars would say "may the force be with you!" Much love
Wednesday January 17th 2001 04:51:12
Name: Jutta und Siegfried
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Lieber Bruder, die Welt ist so schlecht, und am schlechtesten sind die Ärzte, die einem immer ans Leben wollen! Und Du in deren Fängen! Es geht nicht mehr anders, also werden wir alle, die an Dich denken, Dir das Rückgrat so stärken, daß Du nie aufgibst! Deine Krankheit macht mir natürlich ständig ein schlechtes Gewissen, nun doch einmal zum Arzt zu gehen, vielleicht könnte ja doch irgendwo ein Schatten .... Aber ich hasse diese Vorstellung! Die finden immer etwas, und wenns der Cholesterinspiegel ist! Man ist ja schon so alt, die Mutter insistiert auch schon! Alles in allem ein von Hoffnung geprägter Jahresbeginn! Wie oft mußt Du die chemische Keule ertragen, die Strahlentherapie? Und wie gehts dann weiter? Wir wünschen Dir was! Jutta S.
Wednesday January 17th 2001 04:50:23
Name: Barbara & Geoff Westwood
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard John Grierson has shared his journey with you, a journey which we shared with him. You may remember John is the colleague from the learning centre at UWS who helped me with my overseas students in the MPH program. We feel the same energy from you that John exuded and are confident of the same result. The following poem from Barbara is an attempt to intellectualise and emote some of our feelings for the journey you have commenced. In this journey I dare not let the knowing languish Yet…. is my mind deceiving me? I dare not indulge in memories past…..journeys or, remember times passing shadows and crying. But, I dare to dream and ask ….no demand, the stars shine brightly for thee. Shine brightly the more the knowing comes All…. the knowing its pain, darkness, glory and delights. So, dare to dream the journey Dreams do come true and shine. Love to you and Rosemarie Barbara and Geoff
Wednesday January 17th 2001 02:50:00
Name: John Grierson
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, Barbara and Geoff Westwood passed on your address to me. I have not met you, but know what you're going through as I was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer of the oesophagus nearly one year ago.I admire the way you are facing this illness. I'll begin my story in the present, because it is encouraging. Yesterday I had the results of blood tests and a CT scan, and there is no evidence of cancer. After the uncertainty of the past year, it is wonderful to have this window of time (six months to the next tests) where I can look out at the world as someone who has had (rather than has) cancer. My symptoms were similar to yours - difficulty swallowing ans weight loss. A scan showed a large tumour in the lower 7 cetimetres of the oesophagus, extending to the stomach and lymph nodes.The first surgeon who saw the scan said it was inoperable; the second said he could operate and I had the operation two weeks later. I began chemotherapy five weeks after that - one week each month for five months, with daily radiotherapy for five weeks in the middle of that period. The treatment made me nauseous and very tired, but I found that returning to part-time work when the nausea and diarrhoea eased (usually a few days after the end of each round of treatment, but a full two weeks by the end) helped my recovery. I find much in your response to the diagnosis that resonates with my experience. Looking back, despite the pain, anxiety and fear, it has been an experience which I could almost say I would not wish to have missed. It has been a time when my sense of life has been stronger than I can remember, when I understood and did more than before to nourish what I realised were the most important elements and values of my life (my personal relationships in particular). I have often felt exhilarated (a rare emotion for me) by a minor triumph, like the first swallow of food after the operation, or walking down the corridor, or the end of a week of chemo, or helping my wife with washing up, or my children with homework. I have had to face the prospect of dying, and found that I could do so with peace, and a sense of self- acceptance, that I would not have thought possible when I was well. I wish you well, and look foward to reading more of your journal. John Grierson
Monday January 15th 2001 04:30:55
Name: Harley Stanton
E-mail address:
Comments: Greetings, Eberhard and Rosmarie It was only yesterday that I heard of your situation, and the linking in to your story, its so remarkable that the flow of thoughts and issues is so much a two-way benefit. If I were close and had access to my stored books, I would send you "Head First: A Biology of Hope" from Norman Cousins. Sadly, most of our goods are in storage. I'm grateful that the treatment is taking place in your "small town" rather than in Manila, otherwise your schedule would be more seriously disrupted. The courage and openness that you share is characteristically you. If I'm passing through Brisbane, I'll certainly be calling to see you. Thanks for the importance of focus that you are giving to all of our lives. With warm and fond regards Harley
Monday January 15th 2001 03:50:54
Name: Helmut Goergen
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, this is not the way I wanted you to learning about chemistry. Keep cool, Helmut
Monday January 15th 2001 08:24:16
Name: anne bunde birouste
E-mail address:
Comments: dear eberhard, you amaze me--thank you for sharing--your insights and humour are truly wonderful. keep up your spirits and know there are many of us here for you!! love, anne
Monday January 15th 2001 02:53:01
Name: Libby Mears
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard It is half way through your first day of treatment, I hope that the courage you write with is keeping you strong. I want to thank you for sharing this life changing experience. You have given me the chance to sit and think about my life and give thanks for all those things we so easy push aside in our pusuit of what at the time seems to be SO important. Your courage is inspirational and I join hands with other members of your healing circle to give you support.
Sunday January 14th 2001 06:27:14
Name: Horst Artner
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, Deine aktive, positive Einstellung zu Deiner Krankheit ist bewundernswert und wird Dir helfen, den Krebs zu besiegen. Dies ist Wunsch und Vorhersage zugleich. Ich bin sicher, dass Du diese Position auch in der vor Dir stehenden, schwierigeren Phase nicht verlassen wirst. Was mich da so sicher macht ist die Tatsache, daß diese Position schliesslich Deiner stabilen Lebensphilosophie entspringt und nicht nur ein Umhang ist, den Du anlaesslich Deiner Krankheit anlegtest. In wenigen Stunden beginnt für Dich die Tortur. Es wird Dir danach nicht gut gehen und zeitweise werden Dein Mut und Deine Energie schwinden. Hanne-Lore und ich sind gedanklich bei Dir. Horst Artner
Sunday January 14th 2001 08:46:44
Name: Gabriella Berger-Uichanco
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, I must say how like you to be open, positive and sharing in creating the Healing Circle. I guess that is precisely what makes you irresistable! Both Jojo and I would like to wish you well, especially from tomorrow on, on what will surely be a path to recovery. The beginning of the healing starts now and we hope you will feel positive during your treatment sessions. Jose Carreras' story was one that deeply touched me when he spoke about his Leukaemia treatment - he listened to music during chemotherapy as a means to remain positive. He has reaffirmed his strength, after two years with the big C his voice returned and I suspect he has become even more aware of himself and others. Most likely we will be able to say the same about you when we look back at this time as a dramatic minor episode in a long and happy life. You will not walk this path alone, Rosemary will be your tower of strength, as will all your supporters here in Oz and around the world. This is not just prose, be sure to tell us if we can help.
Saturday January 13th 2001 08:41:44
Name: Peter Voß
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, Deine Tagebucheintragungen vom 13. Januar haben mir ein Problem bewusst gemacht, über welches ich schon lange nachdenke. Warum wollen wir die Wahrheit nicht wissen? Die Ärzte sagen, alle Krebserkrankungen haben im Anfangsstadium ihre Heilungschance. Aber die Frauen scheuen sich, regelmäßig ihre Brust abzutasten und die Männer lassen niemand an ihre Prostata heran. Ich selbst hatte schon ein halbes Jahr eine deutlich sichtbare "Kuller" am Hals, die ich einfach ignoriert habe, bis ich wegen einer anderen Sache einen HNO-Arzt aufsuchte. Der hat mich sofort in die Klinik überwiesen, wo sich bei der OP zum Glück herausstellte, daß es nur ein Adenom an der Parotis war. Ich nenne dies das "Kassandra-Syndrom". Wenn 100 Personen vor sich einen geschlossenen Kasten haben, in welchem auf einem Zettel Tag und Stunde ihres Todes stehen, so werden 99 diesen Kasten nicht öffnen wollen. Wir sind zwar alle neugierig auf die Zukunft, Orakel und Wahrsager haben Konjunktur, aber so ganz sicher wollen wir es eben auch nicht wissen. Vage Andeutungen ("Rote Dame lauert am Kreuzweg.") sind uns allemal lieber. Das ist das Dilemma der Krebsvorsorge. Wenn diese Ur-Ängste schon über unseren westlichen Rationalismus triumphieren, dann kannst Du Dir vorstellen wie schwierig Prävention erst ist, wenn religiöse oder andere mythische Vorstellungen mit ins Spiel kommen. Für die nächste Woche viel Kraft. Peter
Saturday January 13th 2001 01:22:45
Name: katrina astill
E-mail address:
Comments: dear eberhard , you taught me at griffith years ago when i returned from bush working on aboriginal communities as a midwife . i was feeling very cynical and a dose of your view of life was just what i needed ( ie i discovered other cynics out there ! ) i wish you well and just to let you know a wee secret of mine . i too was diagnosed wth the big C 10 years ago - it was actually one of the best things that happened to me , something you can`t explain to anyone , it`s not like you`ve accepted a lotto payout and are heading for retirement in the maldives . it certainly made me stop in my tracks and sort out what was truly important to me . i wish you all the best for your journey and i have to tell you - insist on being given "andansetron" and say no to the "lorazepam" - as it literaly deletes your memory - mine has never been the same since - then again i could be using that as an excuse for poor memory !
Thursday January 11th 2001 04:14:30
Name: Carlotta
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, danke dass ich teilhaben und Dir nahe sein kann in diesen schweren Tagen!Inzwischen sind bereits so viele ermunternde Wortmeldungen fuer Dich eingegangen, die mich persoenlich sehr bewegt und angesprochen haben. Du siehst, diese Idee gibt nicht nur Dir Zuversicht und Lebensmut, sondern kann auch vermeintlich Gesunden etwas bedeuten. Ich habe zu Weihnachten die deutsche Übersetzung des Buches "It's Not About the Bike. My Journey Back to Life" bekommen. Nun lese ich darin, wie Lance Armstrong den Krebs besiegte und denke dabei: Der Eberhard wird es auch schaffen! Wenigstens mental moechte ich Dich dabei unterstuetzen und wuensche auch Rosmarie viel Kraft, Dir beizustehen! Carlotta
Thursday January 11th 2001 10:52:48
Name: Anke
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, auch ich möchte Dir heute ein paar Zeilen schreiben, wenngleich mir die Worte dafür nicht zufallen wollen. Ich bin fasziniert, verblüfft und begeistert von Deiner Energie und Kraft, die Idee des "Healing Circle" verwirklichen zu können - nicht zuletzt da es uns die Chance gibt, Deine Gedanken so direkt erfahren zu dürfen und mit Dir zu kommunizieren. Ich wünsche Dir sehr, daß Dich diese Kraft wie auch Dein Geist und Humor weiter treu begleiten - der Krebs wie auch das Gesundheitssystem sind harte Herausforderer. Einen ganz herzlichen Gruß an die Rosmarie, deren Kraft und Energie nun auch besonders gefordert werden! Bes demnäxt us Kölle - von Herzen, Anke und Inge, die sich hier noch mit Mohini verlustiert und mir aufgetragen hat, Dir mitzuteilen, daß alle Deine Briefe in DD sicher verwahrt sind und keinesfalls verlustig gehen werden, d.h.Dein Geist seit jeher unsere Bücherschränke umweht.
Thursday January 11th 2001 06:50:06
Name: Ronald Labonte
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear dear Eberhard: I've just visited your healing circle and see that I am not the only one who regards you as a Bear! Nor the only one who holds a tremendous warmth for your intellect, humor and panache. You are making a tremendous contribution to all of us who love you with your diaries and the healing circle. And, of course, breaking new ground in your irascible Eberhard way. Consider this the first of many affectionate hugs from the far distant Canadian plains. And do also give my love to Rosemarie.
Thursday January 11th 2001 04:27:30
Name: Arnd Paulsen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, Deine Mail und Berichte haben uns sehr betroffen gemacht. Manchmal schlägt das Leben einem voll dazwischen...durchbricht die Ordnung, Gewohnheit und Gelassenheit. Ich bewundere wie Du jetzt Deine Augen öffnest und die Dinge erlebst. Deine Erfahrungen mit dem Gesundheitssystem lassen mich schaudern...wie wahr ist doch, daß "Fortschritt" eigentlich "Wegschritt" ist. In Gedanken sind wir oft bei Dir in Pissbrähn. Viele Grüße Arnd & Lussi
Thursday January 11th 2001 01:31:34
Name: Anne McMurray
E-mail address: A.McMurray@mailbox/
Comments: Dear Eberhard I hope you're having a good moment as I send you warm fuzzies. What a good approach you have taken to let the rest of us share your journey. It feels a bit better than just sitting and wondering how you're doing. I wish you the best and look forward to you getting through the next phase, whether it's a moment, a day or a treatment. Lotsa love from all of us at this end Anne
Wednesday January 10th 2001 08:01:18
Name: Peter Voß
E-mail address:
Comments: Hallo, lieber Eberhard und liebe Kommentatoren, die ersten Wortmeldungen habe ich gespannt verfolgt. Ja, das ist der richtige Weg. Man muss darüber sprechen. Aber nicht nach der Methode von Sigmund Freud, einer spricht und ein anderer hört nur zu, sondern mit Rede und Gegenrede. Ängste werden kleiner und verschwinden am Ende, wenn sie artikuliert werden können. Ich möchte euch zum Thema das Buch von Stephan Tanneberger "Es wird einen wunderschönen Frühling geben" empfehlen (ISBN 3-932180-67-4). Prof. Tanneberger war ein führender Krebsspezialist der DDR, der heute in Bologna arbeitet. Leider habe ich schlechte Erfahrungen mit Büchersendungen nach Australien gemacht, aber vielleicht klappt der internationale Bestelldienst besser. Sorry for writing in German.
Wednesday January 10th 2001 08:24:02
Name: Rod Simpson
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Well Eberhard - only you could come up with this response!! I do believe this book may be a best-seller at my house. I look forward to each chapter with great interest Take Care Rod
Tuesday January 9th 2001 10:54:39
Name: Jutta und Siegfried
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Jetzt klappt's doch! Nun sitzen wir hier, können nicht bei Dir sein, um den Schock, den Du uns gegenüber so meisterlich verbirgst, zu überwinden! Es ist nun mal so, Du wirst alles tun, den Krebs in den Griff zu bekommen (Das DKZ in Heidelberg wäre sicher auch noch eine Adresse), wir können nur warten und irgendwann von Dir hören. Chemotherapie ist entsetzlich, wie Du Dir vorstellen kannst, wir haben es mit Vater Willi erlebt. Aber immernoch zusammen mit der Strahlentherapie die einzig wirksame Therapie! Und Tomatensaft in Mengen, Vitamin C und E! Also, lieber Bruder, wir sind oft genug bei Dir, wenns mehr wäre, würdest Du es nicht aushalten! Bis bald, Jutta S.
Tuesday January 9th 2001 01:50:50
Name: David McQueen
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard I was truly upset to hear about your illness and wish you all the best in the coming weeks. There are so many images and notions that come to mind when hearing such news. Immediate thoughts of my sister-in-law in Germany who has just undergone therapy and radiation and what all in the German health care system - to date, with great success - an encouraging story. Your efforts in documenting the vast area of international public health for all of us in the field; keeping us informed of the present day foibles and successes of global efforts to improve the public's health has been absolutely admirable. And indeed it is both courageous and admirable to allow your vast internet community to share your experiences of the Australian system efforts to restore your good health. I can only wish you the best. David
Tuesday January 9th 2001 01:40:23
Name: Kas Healy
E-mail address:

Case Management is great work! I've done it for years and still find it satisfying. I think you will be particularly good at it. First, you have a very personal interest in contributing to the effectiveness and efficiency of your care and treatment. Second, and I think most importantly, you have tremendous experience as a case manager.

Now that I think on it, most of what I admire about you is associated with your case management abilities. When I teach and people ask me: What is casemanagement? How can so many different disciplines (social workers, nurses, insurance specialists, etc.) sit for certification in this practice? There is a very simple response: Case management is doing whatever it takes to make systems perform to the letter of their intent and coordinating those systems to produce the best outcome. I have always thought of you as a sort of macro-level case manager. Now you must take those skills and focus them at a micro level, at the health and welfare of one Eberhard Wenzel - you are well prepared for this most difficult task.

Coordinating appointments in complex care becomes an art form. Managing information is another of the big challenges. When you have been used to doing the majority of your work on the computer, lugging hard copies around with you in a binder is a bit different. Maybe your challenges in Australia are different. One of the challenges here is labwork. Everyone needs to see the lab reports, it seems no one but the ordering physician ever gets them. I make it a point to collect lab and test results as soon as they are available from the MD that ordered them or from the lab that produced them. I carry the results to every appointment. It is amazing how appreciative the MD's are - saying things like 'have the desk copy that for me, this lab is more recent than the one in your file'. You have the most recent report because the MD you are seeing today is not the MD you saw who ordered the lab work last week and the paper flow hasn't caught up with everyone just yet. Understandable but sometimes the lab results are critical in determining the 'treatment of the moment' - I prefer folks to work from the most recent info, I find the outcomes improve.

Another challenge is the facilitation of communication in a dispersed care environment. I keep a record with me of all communications and I get the names of everyone I speak to ( receptionists, appointment schedulers, lab techs, etc.). If communications seem contradictory to me I make everyone aware of who said what, when - again responses like 'oh, I didn't know Dr. had scheduled you for that lab tomorrow! Why don't we just add these test to the order and you won't have to come back again for another test?'

I wonder if you will be surprised at the volume of work it requires to arrange the care and treatment of just one person and am interested in how it compares to the care of whole populations? When this episode in your life has been successfully negotiated I predict you will produce something truly unique. I don't know if it will be a book, a web space, a system, or a piece of art. I think you will take this lump of coal diagnosis and squeeze it into a diamond.

Tuesday January 9th 2001 06:51:28
Name: Ursel Broesskamp-Stone
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, gerade fand ich Deine persoenliche Nachricht. Ich werde von zu Hause aus mit Dir im Kontakt sein. Ich habe das Gefuehl, dass ich vom Buero aus, d.h. aus einer recht kranken Umgebung heraus dieses nicht tun kann. Erstmal wollte ich Dich wissen lassen, dass ich wahrnehme was bei Dir geschieht, geschehen ist, und dass auch ich meine Energien mit Dir teilen werde - auf dass es Dir leichter faellt, Deine Selbstheilungskraefte zu mobilisieren. Von Herzen Ursel Und wieder bitte ich Dich, auch liebe Gruesse an Rosemarie weiterzuleiten. Danke
Tuesday January 9th 2001 06:44:48
Name: Bjoern Roepke
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, To say it quite frankly-Scheisse!!!-was the first word I could hit upon after realizing that the title of your email was actually referring to yourself rather than to some health project you are currently researching. I'm not quite sure how I can help you in this tough situation. I guess trying to keep your spirit and 'lust for life' up would be the overall goal. Maybe the following lines will give you some faith in recovery: When my mom was around forty years of age she started having trouble moving her limbs in the mornings. Numerous doctors told her she had chronic rheumatism with no hope for recovery. Instead of accepting her 'fate' she ignored their diagnosis and cured herself successfully within a year. No signs of rheumatism ever since. Probably you don't want to hear too much about diseases, now that you don't feel well. Here's something positive out of my life: I'm getting married to the girl I was with when we met last in Brisbane. I got sick of playing hide and seek with her colleagues and company spies while being in her town. If there is one thing, which can keep you in a good mood, its certainly music -right? After moving to Hessen, I really got to appreciate a radio program on 'HR1' called "Schwarz/Weiss-Musik in Farbe" Its on the air daily between 19:00 and 21:00(?!) German time and usually focuses on a different band(jazz, rock, pop, blues) or style each time. I'm not quite sure if HR1 is available as real audio on the web. Check out their home page - you'd most certainly enjoy the program. I wish you lot's of success with your therapies, if you manage to get them scheduled in the right order! Bjoern
Tuesday January 9th 2001 06:35:51
Name: Fran Baum
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard I've just visited your "healing circle" and read your first stories of your encounter with the medical system. As ever you are leading the way with your honesty, bravery and insightfulness. I found 2000 to be an awful year in so many ways and your news has made sure that it finished off as a bad year too. I know that after the suicide of my step son at the end of 1999 the one clear and bright thing that kept Paul and I going was the love, compassion and thoughts of our friends around the world. I know it will be the same for you. I'll be thinking of you and feel privileged that you are prepared to share the journey you are embarking on with your friends and colleagues. I hope the people who forgot to phone with your chemo schedule (and I'm sure it happens over and over) have the privilege of reading your diary with the chance to learn from it. Love to you and Rosemarie Fran
Monday January 8th 2001 02:27:20
Name: Chris Walsh
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, First I want to thank you for sharing this part of your life with all of us who know you and enjoy your caustic wit. It seems to be a really good time to talk about who you are in this world, and what it was like for me to meet you for the first time in Pablo...although I already felt you were a friend because of Lori. I had a preconcieved notion of some slight, bespectacaled professor 'type". I have to laugh out loud at that now, since what you are in this world is sooo much more! Here stood this big guy who would show me his wonderful humanity over the few days we got to spend together. You have reminded me often, through your work and tireless effort to keep us all posted about the state of health care in the world, that we strive for a common goal of humanitarian care for those less privilaged. I have a daily dose of being reminded that health care is not very humanitarian, nor often times very compassionate. BUT! If we remind ourselves often of our blessings and the incredible gifts the Creator has bestowed on us, we can take a step side-ways and get a little distance on what is happening. When we do this, we gain a different perspective and often that is all it takes to begin new stategy for change. You seem to have taken the step side-ways intutitively. It is curious that your cancer is "where you speak from" and the chakra involved is important to your understanding. You are a compassionate, true soul in this world Eberhard, and we need your voice. I will pray for your growth and recovery every day. Keep writing because all of us who care about you need to stay involved with what is going on with you. With love, Chris Walsh
Monday January 8th 2001 09:25:18
Name: Barbara & Geoff Westwood
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard, You know you and Rosemarie already have our support in any way you want (and the cats of course) - it's only a short haul from Sydney. We will certainly keep up with the diary and avoid pestering with phone calls, well not all the time. Barbara will send you some of her fruit leather concoctions that you like so much seeing as you are now a vegetarian. Malcolm Fraser was paraphrased by the media which never did publish the full quote of Bernard Shaws' which he used "Life wasn't meant to be easy but take courage child life can be delightful" (may not be exact but pretty close. Remember the delightful parts when the rough patches come along. The health care system is what we as a society are willing to pay for. Those of us working within the system generally do care. Trust you find a few of us in your journey.
Monday January 8th 2001 03:19:03
Name: Kas Healy ARNP-C
E-mail address:
Comments: Jan. 8 reflections: Sorry to tell you this but what you are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg. I don't believe Oz is so very different from the U.S. in terms of its 'Health Care Delivery System'. You are very correct when you say that you are fortunate in your support system. All of us nurses wonder how people without health care professionals in their family survive contact with the hospital. There are now organizations of nurses here (co-ops) that have banded together and support each other as case-managers and care-givers in times of illness/hospitalization. You MUST have an advocate if your are ill. Nurses USED to be the patient's advocate, corporate medical killed that ability. Now when you are admitted/treated you had better have a nurse advocate. Read here: I was my mother's advocate through her radiation and chemo, it was a fulltime job. Much of my time on her behalf was spent in case- management. When the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing...somebody better be watching.
Sunday January 7th 2001 09:02:14
Name: Melinda Keresztes
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard, What a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for sharing your feelings and experiences with us all, at such a defining time in your life! It is so rare yet so valuable to hear about these things, in such honest communication. I think everybody reading your story, as it unfolds, will stand to benefit from your insights. I will continue to read each account with great interest. They say laughter is the best medicine, and you appear to have the best sort of attitude. I have heard that a positive attitude can make an enormous difference to people's healing and wellbeing. I hope your treatment continues smoothly and successfully. Again, thank you so much, and keep on smiling!
Sunday January 7th 2001 07:29:59
Name: John Macdonald
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, My experience of working with theBemba people in Zambia for ten years leads me to offer two greetings: one is "Mwaculeni" and the other is "Pole sana" (This is really Kiswahili rather than Chibemba, but who cares). The first badly translates as "greetings to you who suffer": it offers solidarity and acknowledgement that there IS suffering inolved. The second badly translates as "Sorry" but conveys only a sense of togetherness. Eberhard, mwaculeni and pole sana. I thank you for the great sharing you have done on the macro level and I am glad in a modest way to be part of the sharing in this personal circle: thanks for the privelege, Good courage, John Macdonald
Sunday January 7th 2001 05:44:39
Name: Di Hetzel
E-mail address:
Comments: Dearest Eberhard You will be very much in my thoughts and I hope for you, a speedy recovery from the various procedures and the strength that comes from self and those who care about you, and beyond. Thank you for the privilege of sharing your journey with you. Your wonderful assistance is always appreciated by me and by many others. I will keep in touch via the healing circle, and will hold you in the light. Di
Sunday January 7th 2001 05:22:17
Name: Marilyn Wise
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, I join so many others in sending my best wishes for the journey upon which you are embarking. I know that there is no simple path and I also know that the support of family and friends makes a huge difference. You've made such a contribution to the lives of so many of us, Eberhard. The power to 'create positive change' and to support optimism has been a significant part of what you've given me and so many others. I would like to give this now, to you in a very small way. Marilyn
Sunday January 7th 2001 03:42:13
Name: Ruth
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, I'm learning English now - another positive effect... Du schreibst, daß Du jetzt die Gegenwart wesentlich mehr fühlst und lebst. Dies ist eine Wahrnehmung, die viele Menschen in einer ähnlichen Situation mit Dir teilen. Bei mir kam sie übrigens erst nachdem ich dem Tod von der Schippe gesprungen war - vorher hatte ich ja nichts geahnt. "Leben ist das, was passiert, während du eifrig dabei bist, andere Pläne zu machen." (John Lennon) "Die Weisheit hat mich allmählich im Laufe des Lebens gelehrt, daß die Vorbereitung der Zukunft nur im Begründen der Gegenwart besteht. Und daß sich alle in Utopien und Bestrebungen verzehren, die fernen Bildern nachjagen, den Früchten ihrer eigenen Erfindung. Die einzige wahrhafte Erfindung besteht in einer Entzifferung der Gegenwart, ihrer unzusammenhängenden Seiten und ihrer widerspruchsvollen Sprache. Die Zukunft bauen heißt die Gegenwart leben." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) Mach's gut, bis bald Ruth
Sunday January 7th 2001 01:03:14
Name: Paul A. Caffrey
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard,my spouse of 40 years went the course of similar unchartered waters several years ago and landed safe and sound. And, in a greater living sense, we are both better sailors of the cosmos for it.She, being among other definitions,a medical anthropologist and nurse,had a pronounced understanding of the outside view as you say you know.I and others on the other hand, had the benifit of both worlds of experience that we could convey in caring ways as you are doing now with this healing circle.Thankyou for being a trusting and caring heart and thankyou for all you have so devotedly given to us.We are on the the other side of your world but in the same neighborhood of mind and wellness wishes for you and family.Call on us if care to. BEST REGARDS, Paul
Sunday January 7th 2001 12:29:39
Name: Kas Healy
E-mail address:
Comments: OK. I must say Bear, this is a pretty extreme way to lose weight. I was so upset with your news that all I managed to convey the first time was 'Dearest Eberhard', which actually says it all. What can I do? Is there anything I can do for the pages? Is there anything you need researched? I treat patients who are in this kind of battle. Should the need arise, I have a couple good tricks up my sleeve for side-effects of chemo and radiation. If you have any problems with the therapies and need some collaboration from this side of the lake I am here for you. My very best to your lady wife. I hope she is dealing with all this as gracefully as you appear to be. Getting through this is very hard on the significant other. If she needs an 'ear' please tell her to write me anytime. I will speak daily with the spirits of the earth and heavens and request that strength and grace be yours and surround your family.
Sunday January 7th 2001 08:25:59
Name: Kas Healy
E-mail address:
Comments: Dearest Eberhard.
Sunday January 7th 2001 07:51:18
Name: Gordon MacLeod
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: My dear Eberhard, My best wishes go to you for a successful course of treatment. I have been a grateful recipient of your absolutely extraordinary contribution to international public health and should like to let you know how privileged I feel that you are willing toshare your experiences with me over the months ahead. As a sometime clinician, I strongly urge you to proceed with your proposed course of action. Please feel free to call upon me for any encouragement I can offer. These words and warm wishes go to you and your family come from a friend and ardent admirer. I look forward to hearing more of your truly inspiring reflections on the future. Gordon
Sunday January 7th 2001 02:54:34
Name: David Legge
E-mail address:
Comments: Thank you very much for the privilege of joining you, realtime, in this dreadful experience. 'Dreadful' only in that it is full of dread. Obviously, there is much more to it than that. I know inspiration is part of it because you are already an inspiration. Education also because I know we will learn heaps by being with you, if not in the clinic and X-ray lab and ward but somewhere close to the path you are travelling. Irving Yalom talks about the four horsemen [persons] of the existential apocalypse: meaninglessness, freedom, being alone ... perhaps the fourth is death. Illich rages against the complacent conceit that humans could ever find answers to such challenges. But if not answers perhaps we can find ways of being, ways of facing the great receding depths of uncertainty which is the human condition. Nietsche, and the poststructuralists (in somewhat nicer ways), have instructed us that meaning is created, not discovered, and that we create it collectively as we speak and act. So I thank you again Eberhard for inviting me/us to join actively in realtime in this action/conversation/creation. I would be privileged to be part of your creating (re-working, nourishing, colouring, etc) the many meanings that we give and take, stake-out and navigate by, clash over and meet through. Enough! Luck, wisdom, courage, humour. An alternative set of horsepersons. May they stay with you dear friend, because they (at least three of the four) are manifestly part of you already.
Sunday January 7th 2001 12:44:32

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