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Last updated:  29 May 2001

Indigenous health

"For these mountains, I thought, the Lakota had been willing to give away everything else, only to have them, too, taken away when white people who had trespassed illegally shouted the magic word, 'Gold'. 'The metal that makes the wasichu crazy', the Lakota had called it. An ore in the ground.

For that, my ancestors had been willing to lie and steal and kill old people and children, and then spend the next century remaking the story so that all the dead and all the betrayals would effectively disappear from history.

For that, and the hunger to own a piece of the earth, we had destroyed the dreams and families of an entire race, leaving them homeless, faithless, and with nothing but the ashes of a once graceful and balanced way of life. And now we had the arrogance to claim to 'rediscover' them and to appropriate the very spiritual truths we had tried to destroy, in order to fill the void of our own spiritual bankruptcy."
Kent Nerburn (1994), Neither wolf nor dog. On forgotten roads with an Indian Elder. San Rafael, CA (New World Library), 262

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