This site is being preserved as it was on 17 September 2001 as a memorial to the life and work of Eberhard Wenzel.
Website by Eberhard Wenzel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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  • 11th International Conference on Circumpolar Health, June 4-9, 2000, Harstad (Norway)
  • Aboriginal Healing Foundation - "On January 7, 1998, the Government of Canada announced Gathering Strength - Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan, a strategy to begin a process of reconciliation and renewal with Aboriginal Peoples. A cornerstone of Gathering Strength was the Government’s commitment of $350 million to support community-based healing initiatives for Métis, Inuit and First Nations people on and off reserve who were affected by the legacy of physical and sexual abuse in Residential Schools. Following discussions with survivors, members of the healing community, the Assembly of First Nations, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, the Métis National Council and the Native Women’s Association of Canada, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation was created as the entity to design, manage and implement the healing strategy under the terms outlined in a funding agreement with the Government of Canada which was signed by both parties on March 31, 1998"
  • Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada - "a non-governmental, non-profit organization that was established out of the recognition that Aboriginal people's health needs can best be met and understood by health professionals of a similar cultural background"
  • Arctic Investigations Program - this is a public health research program from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Assembly of First Nations: Health Secretariat - a comprehensive web-site on Indigenous health in Canada offering access to a wide range of documents
  • BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health - it offers access to a report on "First Nations Women's Encounters with Mainstream Health Care Services and Systems" (2000)
  • British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society - "provides a variety of support services and resources to help B.C.'s aboriginal people with disabilities, and others associated with the disabled. Aboriginal people with special needs direct and control the organization, a registered non-profit society with about 1900 members"
  • Canada-Evenki Programme on Rural Health in Siberia - "The goals of the project are four-fold:
    • To train rural health care workers in Eastern Siberia, based on the principles of public health, to provide clean water, a good diet, and an environment free of infectious disease and parasites.
    • To focus attention upon the health care needs and capacities of rural indigenous women, and to provide opportunities for the professional development of indigenous health care providers, the vast majority of whom are women.
    • To adapt the experience of community health care workers in self-governing First Nations communities in Canada to the needs of health care workers in rural Siberia who are dislocated by the disintegration of the centralised state health care system.
    • To examine the potential for locally controlled diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, alcoholism, intestinal parasites, and the environmental monitoring of food and water quality"

  • Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment (CINE) - based with McGill University (Montreal), the Centre is "an independent, multi-disciplinary research and education resource for Indigenous Peoples, created by Canada's Aboriginal leaders"
  • Circumpolar Health Research Centre - based with the University of Alberta (Canada), the Centre "was established to promote research of relevance to the health of northern populations"
  • Health Canada: Aboriginal Head Start - "an early intervention program for Aboriginal children and their families living in urban and Northern communities. The mandate of Aboriginal Head Start is to meet and foster the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical needs of the child. In reaching these goals, six important components, are included in the project features. The statement of principles includes that the program is based on caring, creativity and pride flowing from the knowledge of traditional beliefs, within a holistic and safe environment. The program was designed in consultation with local Aboriginal groups and involves parents and the Aboriginal community in the design and implementation of preschool projects"
  • Health Canada: First Nations and Inuit Health Programs (FNIHP) - "to work with Regions and National First Nations and Inuit Organizations to assist First Nations and Inuit people and communities maintain and improve their health"
  • Health of the Indigenous Peoples Initiative - a public health program managed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), a regional office of the World Health Organization
  • International Union for Circumpolar Health - established 1981, the Union is a "non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Alaska. Thus the IUCH is a multilateral scientific union, currently headquartered in the United States, which strives to contribute to the growing body of scientific medical and public health research data for the circumpolar regions and globally"
  • Nordic Council for Arctic Medical Research - founded in 1969, NCAMR was designated in 1990 as WHO Collaborating Center for Arctic Medical Research and Circumpolar Health
  • Aboriginal Health Council - located in the North-East of Canada, "The Northeast Aboriginal Health Council process represents a significant departure from the manner in which health and social services are delivered in mainstream society"
  • National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization
  • Northern Health Research Unit - "a Research Unit of the Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba. The Goal of the NHRU is to conduct community-based research into problems relevant to the health of Aboriginal and northern peoples in Canada"

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