This site is being preserved as it was on 17 September 2001 as a memorial to the life and work of Eberhard Wenzel.
Website by Eberhard Wenzel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The Healing Circle:   March
Name: Jan and Marian
E-mail address:
Comments: Hey Eberhard and Rosmary this is Marian: just heard the very good news of Jan about the fact Eberhard is clean of the cancer. It's such a pity we can't hug you both and celebrate together this very fantastic news. Be sure, we think about you both and I send you both a very big kiss. We keep ourselves informed through this wonderfull medium and wish you both good times the coming months!!Thanks for calling us!!!
Sunday March 25th 2001 01:52:57
Name: Susanne und Mayra
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, (Mayra): Ich hab´s doch gleich gesagt, dass du gesund wirst. Und nun bist du gesund. Ist doch voll krass und cool!!! Ciao Mayra Ja, ich schließe mich dem Inhalt dieser Worte " meines" Teenies an. Ich freue mich sehr und dass man seinen scharfen und kritischen Verstand verliert aufgrund solcher Schicksalsschläge, daran glaube ich ebensowenig wie du, man wird nur etwas gelassener dem Leben gegenüber, gleichzeitig ist man aber wieder ein Stückchen gewachsen und dieses Wachstum lässt wiederum kleinere Veränderungen zu.Und jeder Neuanfang ist auch immer wieder eine Chance, erinnerst du dich an deinen Brief an mich,Eberhard, vor 2 1/2 Jahren? Du warst der erste und einzige, der mir damals gesagt hat, es kann auch deine Chance sein, Sanne.Und das hat mir damals einen ungeheuren Auftrieb und Antrieb gegeben.Heute stehen wir drei positiv und offen dem Leben gegenüber. Mayra chattet mit irgendwelchen Jungs aus ganz Deutschland herum(Kurzum, sie ist gesund), Kati ist noch ganz Kind. Beide haben keine Schwierigkeiten in der Schule und sind sehr selbständige und wache Menschen geworden.Ihren Vater sehen sie regelmäßig. Ihr Kommentar über ihn:" Ein bißchen spinnt er ja, aber wir haben ihn lieb!"Darüber bin ich sehr froh. Und mich sehen sie glücklicherweise auch nicht als Übermutter an.Ich gelte als ein bißchen verrückt, weil ich mit ihnen allein verreise, Theaterstücke produziere und immer mal wieder vergesslich bin(der Alltagsirrsinn). Aber der Stolz in ihren Stimmen, wenn sie sich kritisch über mich äußern ,ist unüberhörbar.Ich hoffe sehr, dass dieses Gefühl bleibt.Denn ich bin auch sehr stolz auf "meine" Mädchen.Und dazu hat dein Brief,damals,Eberhard, ein Stückchen beigetragen. Kurzum, ich freue mich und beglückwünsche dich als "mündigen" Bürger in diesem Alltagsirrsinn weiterhin mitmischen zu können.(Mayra meinte gleich, dann können wir sie ja in zwei Jahren besuchen fahren.)Teenies!!!! Dir, Rosi, chapeau, wie der Franzose sagt, was du geleistet hast, vermag ich nur zu erahnen.Und ich hoffe sehr, dass du jetzt wieder etwas mehr Zeit und Kraft für dich findest. So,und nun muss ich wieder an meinen Schreibtisch.Kennt ihr das Gedicht von G. Benn"Krebsbaracke"? Das ist eines der Themen, das ich im Abitur zu bearbeiten habe. Seit zwei Wochen schiebe ich es vor mir her.Alle anderen Themen sind fertig, nur dieses nicht.Ich wollte es nicht bearbeiten.Die Kongruenz von Ereignissen/Zufällen? im Leben ist immer wieder frappierend! Seid herzlichst gegrüßt und umarmt von eurer Sanne.
Saturday March 24th 2001 02:49:16
Name: Anke
E-mail address:
Comments: Das ist ja fantastisch, lieber Eberhard, eine herzliche Gratulation zu diesem unglaublich freudigen und hart erkämpften Ergebnis. Laß Dich ruhig ein bißchen auf und von den Wolken tragen, bevor es Dich wieder erdet. Ich jedenfalls bin kurz mitgeschwebt. Genieß das Wiederauftauchen - gemeinsam mit Rosmarie, eine ganz feste Umarmung für Euch beide von Anke
Saturday March 24th 2001 09:36:44
Name: Peter Voss
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard und Rosmarie, das war die schönste Nachricht, die Regina und ich in diesem Frühjahr per e-mail erhalten haben. Gratulation und Bewunderung für Deine innere Kraft, Eberhard. Gesundheit ist ein Mysterium und braucht einen starken Glauben und den können auch Atheisten aufbringen. Egal wie, Du hast es geschafft und ab jetzt geht es aufwärts. Peter
Saturday March 24th 2001 03:41:05
Name: Rod Simpson
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Eberhard What great news! I've emailed you this from my computer which did not have your web-site at that time (the other one being at work) - I wanted, however, for the record on your Healing Circle, to give my best wishes and those of Miryam's to you and Rosemarie. I feel your Healing Circle has been very much a two-way thing; it has been for me. I certainly feel the better for it - I feel you have helped heal some of my 'illnesses' with it. I look forward to seeing you at work and continuing with the healing, and the living. Best Wishes Rod
Thursday March 22nd 2001 11:24:46
Name: Kas Healy
E-mail address:
Comments: May your healing continue uninterrupted and joyously.
Thursday March 22nd 2001 08:15:48
Name: Susanne
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, liebe Rosi, ich freue mich riesig, zwar habe ich noch nicht alles verstanden, aber das, was ich verstanden habe, hört sich sehr gut an und deshalb freue ich mich erst einmal wie ein kleines Kind.Wow! Haltet weiterhin so durch und so zusammen. Ich umarme Euch ganz doll, eure Sanne.
Thursday March 22nd 2001 02:46:28
Name: Ruth
E-mail address:
Comments: Congratulation! To you and Rosmarie. It's a very good news. Ruth
Thursday March 22nd 2001 01:01:21
Name: Peter Kliment
Comments: Wir freuen uns soo seeeehr. Jetzt geht´s wieder bergauf. Herzlichste Glueckwuensche zum (Neu-)Geburtstag an euch beide. Peter, Vlasta, Silvia
Thursday March 22nd 2001 08:01:08
Name: Ronald Labonte
E-mail address:
Comments: Whoopee! NOW I assume the two of you have cracked open the bubbly. Eberhard and Rosemarie, I am so happy and relieved with the news, both personally, and for the two of you. Wow. Phew. Oh, boy. Now, Eberhard, just don't go keeping really thin on us. A non-smoking Eberhard I can handle. A lean one is something beyond the pale.
Thursday March 22nd 2001 04:59:17
Name: Barbara & Geoff Westwood
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard & Rosmarie Fan-bloody-tastic (to quote a good Aussie expression) news!!!
Thursday March 22nd 2001 04:53:25
Name: Catherine Malycha
E-mail address:
Comments: My dear professor, such marvellous news, you are to spend some more time with us on this confusing, beautiful, complex muddle of earth. May the heavens shower you with blessings for the next chapter of your sentient life, and we all remember how precious life is. I will see you soon, all of my love, Catherine xxx
Thursday March 22nd 2001 04:52:30
Name: sosmena
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard and Rosmarie, We share your joy in today's fabulous news regarding Eberhard's health results. It's now time to move forward and slowly rebuilt normal routine into your lives. We praise your courage and patience for having walked this journey together, allowing time to unfold divinely at the right time which proved difficult at times but you both endured it. With convey our warmest regards and tons of hugs to both of you. From Det and Ana
Thursday March 22nd 2001 04:28:20
Name: Fran
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard and Rosemarie What great news! I bet you are clinking the glasses tonight. The stars must be good for public health people - Leonie Short elected to Federal Parliament (wait for the maiden speech on public health oral health aspects I'm sure) and your good news - long may the stars stay in this configuration!
Thursday March 22nd 2001 03:04:25
Name: Rosmarie
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard decided this morning that he could drive alone to Hospital for the CT and the discussions with the chemo and radio doctors. And as we hope to have results this afternoon, both from this mornings examinations and from the surgeon about yesterday's gastroscopy, these hours of waiting are for me full of tension, hope and as well confidence that Eberhard has gone through a successful process of healing. I thought I share with you, our wonderful friends in the healing circle, a few lines from what David Lerner wrote about the emergence of "exceptionl cancer patients", complementary cancer therapies and healing. Before I left Germany to work with WHO, I was in charge of organizing an International Symposium on Health Promotion and Chronic Illness which was called by the Federal Centre for Health Education in Germany and WHO/EURO to meet the rapidly growing needs of people suffering from chronic illness and suggest ways and means to strengthen their coping capacity and support those who care for them. We had choosen three themes, one of them was cancer: towards innovative health promotion approaches. It was an extremely interesting Symposium, and my dear friend Annette Kaplun produced a wonderful report/book from it which was later published by WHO (Regional Publications, European Series, No. 44, 1992). Eberhard did actually a German version which was unfortunately never published. The person who impressed me most during the Symposium was David Lerner. He had worked for many years with "exceptional cancer patients" (he actually thought the term, which had been popularized by Bernhard Siegel in the mid-eighties, was unfortunate). Here is a quote from his paper:
" the outset there is more than a search for "cure" taking place among many exceptional cancer patients who elect to explore complementary cancer therapies. Many of these patients believe that what they are seeking is to heal. Healing overlaps with, but is distinct from, being cured. A cure is generally understood as an external medical intervention that eliminates the disease process in the patient with some degree of reliability. Healing, by contrast, is a process emerging from the inner resources of the individual. Healing describes a psychobiological process of becoming whole. Healing can take place at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. There is a growing consensus that psychological healing may sometimes stimulate physical healing. At the same time, psychological and spiritual healing can proceed even if the struggle for physical recovery is being lost. Profound experiences of healing can take place during the dying process. Some early cultures even referred to death as 'the great healing'. Many exceptional cancer patients consciously seek a 'healing' as well as an enhanced prospect for cure. ....These exceptional cancer patients, I suggest are extracting reasonable personal strategies for intensive health promotion from the complex strands of ethical and questionable practice in the complementary cancer therapy field. Their search for intelligent integration of efficacious conventional therapies and personalized forms of intensive health promotion derived from complemntary therapies may constitute a major force in shaping the development of humane integral cancer therapies in the coming years."
I thank all of you who have helped so much to strengthen Eberhard's inner resources and my capacity to give support!
Wednesday March 21st 2001 03:41:24
Name: Susanne
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard,liebe Rosi, ich denke an Dich und hoffe und wünsche sehr, dass der morgige Tag Dir eine gute Nachricht beschert. Ich umarme Euch, eure Sanne.
Wednesday March 21st 2001 03:06:22
Name: Peter Kliment
Comments: Ja, mein Freund, warten wir ab bis morgen. Aber es hoert sich schone heute gut an. Ich klopfe auf meinen Holz(kopf). Peter
Wednesday March 21st 2001 04:23:31
Name: Peter Franzkowiak
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Freund, auch wenn's über dem letzten Wochenkapitel stand: nur in der medizinischen Logik mag das ein "break" gewesen sein (in Sachen mehr oder minder aggressiver Intervention), für dich war das keiner. Interessanterweise haben dafür wir, deine HC-Gemeinschaft, die Pause genommen - für unsere kleinen und grossen Freuden, Sorgen und Malaisen. Du schlägst dich mit alpenden Träumen herum, mit der grossen Ungewissheit nach allem therapeutischen Aktionismus, mit dem alten/neuen Wissen um die Einmaligkeit jedes Krebses. Also drängt sich durch alle Rationalitäten und Sperren, alle Abwehr wie Selbstbehauptung: die Angst. Sie war schon lange da und wird sich nicht einfach vertreiben lassen. Ich finde das nur zu natürlich, wenn ich bedenke, welcher Ernst für dich heute und morgen auf dem Spiel steht. Gisela, Lorenz und ich wünschen dir gute Ergebnisse. So wenig, so viel, für heute. Peter
Tuesday March 20th 2001 11:01:20
Name: Ronald Labonte
E-mail address:
Comments: Hey! Bright, brighter, brightest. I'll be tuning in for more details tomorrow, but boy oh boy it sounds pretty good so far. You and Rosemarie clinking glasses yet?
Tuesday March 20th 2001 06:25:13
Name: Don
E-mail address:
Comments: From one compulsive book-sale shopper to another .. As you make your way through the challenges of this week .. May the blessings of light be upon you and Rosmarie .. Light without and light within .. May the most that you wish for .. Be the least that you receive .. Joining others in the circle, to send positive energy your
Tuesday March 20th 2001 08:53:15
Name: Barbara & Geoff Westwood
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard We trust that the combined positive power of the healing circle with you tomorrow will ensure that you get positive answers. Never underestimate the power of the individual to change personal circumstances with a little help from the combined intellect in the circle. "May the Force be with you".
Tuesday March 20th 2001 02:21:16
Name: Ronald Labonte
E-mail address:
Comments: My hopes are your hopes. My fears are your fears. That is the only prayer I can offer you as you now face your life in a way I have never, but will some time.
Monday March 19th 2001 08:00:27
Name: Jutta Wenzel
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Bruder, wie trinke ich einen guten Rotwein auf Dein Wohl, damit Du nur noch gute Nachrichten erfährst. Du legst den ersten Endspurt hin, ich schubs Dich übers Ziel! Also, im wahrsten Sinn der Wörter: ein Prosit auf Deine so neu-zarte Gesundheit! Jutta Siegfried.
Sunday March 18th 2001 06:34:24
Name: Kas Healy
E-mail address:
Comments: "halte die Daumen fest"...? If that is like 'crossing your fingers' consider mine crossed as well. Sending you good thoughts for your upcoming medical visits.
Sunday March 18th 2001 05:36:09
Name: Peter Kliment
Comments: Bin wieder hier gewesen, in Eile, halte die Daumen fest fuer Dienstag. P.& Co
Sunday March 18th 2001 03:34:16
Name: Barbara & Geoff Westwood
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard In view of the battle you are having with the health (disease) system we thought the following prayer may be useful. God give me the courage to endure those I can't change God give me the strength to change those I can change God give me the wisdom to conceal the bodies of those who really piss me off!
Friday March 16th 2001 06:50:42
Name: John Grierson
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, Best wishes during your waiting time. Before I visited the surgeon (after I first got the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer) I nearly lost my voice - thought the cancer had already spread! It came back when I calmed down a bit and had time to weigh up my prospects and recover my optimism. When I went back for my first scan after the end of chemo and radiotherapy, my voice was there but I was very unsettled. On the table as the scan was progressing, I was shaking. I don't suppose we can completely control our reactions at these times. Nevertheless, meditation / relaxation and breathing exercises did help to calm me. You're fond of some of the German critical theorists / philosophers. I've just read 'The consolations of philosophy' by Alain de Botton - a wonderfully readable, funny, inspiring book, an ontroduction to the thoughts of people like Socrates and Montaigne. I'm recommending it to students and friends. Regards, John Grierson
Wednesday March 14th 2001 04:08:41
Name: Kas
E-mail address:
Comments: What's in a word?

To know.

To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty; to regard as true beyond doubt; to have a practical understanding; to have fixed in the mind; to have experience; to perceive as familiar, be acquainted with; to be able to distinguish, recognize as distinct; to discern the nature of; to have sexual intercourse with...

Gives new meaning to 'just say know' - or is that - knew meaning to 'just say no'?

Language is a funny thing. You picked a good on with your background. Gno- from the Old English cnawan which is from Germanic kne(w)- which has provided:

can, con, cunning, ken, kenning, couth, uncouth, known, kith, kin, notice, notion, notify, notorious, acquaint, cognition, cognizance, recognize, noble, known, gnome, gnomon, gnosis, agnosia, diagnosis, pathognomonic, physiognomy, prognosis, narrate - to tell from knowing.

Wow. Who knew?

Wednesday March 14th 2001 02:28:05
Name: Susanne
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, liebe Rosi, du hörst Dich gut an, Eberhard, und ich drücke beide Daumen für die nächste Woche. Zur Zeit sind beide Mädchen krank,morgen ist Wiederaufführung meines Theaterstücks "Zeit-Geist-Los" in unserer Schule und das Abitur steht an.Deshalb nur diese wenigen Zeilen. Ich denke an Euch und drücke, wie gesagt, beide Daumen für die nächste Woche, eure Sanne.
Monday March 12th 2001 10:07:20 Name: Peter Voss E-mail address: Comments: Lieber Eberhard, ich war zwei Wochen verreist und ohne PC, deshalb habe ich heute "im Stück" alles Versäumte nachgeholt, will sagen Deine Reports und die Kommentare der Gäste gelesen. Mein erster Eindruck ist, daß sich alle freuen, Dich auf dem Wege der Besserung zu sehen. Hoffentlich stimmt dieses vielfach gebrochene Bild. Für mich als Psychologe ist es schon faszinierend, die unterschiedlichen Reaktionen auf Deine Selbsterfahrungsberichte zu analysieren. Alle Teilnehmer am Healing Circle verfügen über dieselben Informationen und setzen diese in Bezug zu ihren Vorerfahrungen mit der Person E. W. Daraus entstehen dann die einzelnen Kommentare, welche insgesamt doch eine erstaunliche Kongruenz aufweisen. Ein immer wiederkehrendes Thema ist die Qualität des Gesundheitssystems, welches Du in seiner spezifischen australischen Ausprägung gerade testest. Nach meinen Erfahrungen mit zwei gegensätzlichen Gesundheitssystemen - einem sozialistisch und einem kapitalistisch orientierten System - bin ich eher skeptisch und glaube nicht mehr an ein ideales System. Dafür sind die Interessen der Beteiligten zu unterschiedlich und konträr. In der DDR hatten wir eine kostenneutrale medizinische Betreuung, niemand konnte sich an der Krankheit Anderer bereichern, aber das Ganze funktionierte auf einem so niedrigen Level, welches wir heute etwa als "Grundversorgung" bezeichnen würden. Hightech gab es nur in ganz wenigen Bereichen und für wenige "interessante Fälle". Die gleichen Patienten haben mit der Wende die Segnungen und die Flüche des profitorientierten Gesundheitssystems kennengelernt. Die Segnungen bestehen vor allem im prinzipiell möglichen Zugang zu den fortgeschrittensten Therapien, Geräten, Medikamenten etc. Die Flüche sind (vorerst noch) hauptsächlich von den Ärzten, den Gesundheitspolitikern und den Kassenvertretern zu hören. Sie alle eint der verzweifelte Ruf nach mehr Geld, was letztlich aber doch bei den "Kunden" eingesammelt wird. Die Qualität der medizinischen Betreuung lässt sich nicht in Mark oder Euro oder Dollar messen. Darüber entscheidet immer der Betroffene, indem er seine subjektive Befindlichkeit zum alleinigen Maßstab erhebt. Wer heute in Leipzig in der Apotheke für ein Rezept über 16,00 DM aus seiner Tasche 8,00 DM zuzahlen muß, der lobt natürlich das ehemalige DDR-System. Wer dagegen wie ich einen Defibrillator zum Preis eines Mittelklassewagens eingepflanzt bekommen hat und dafür nur eine lächerliche Summe für den Krankenhausaufenthalt zuschießen musste, der ist in seinem Urteil über das kapitalistische System schon zurückhaltender. Bisher ist die Gesundheitssystemforschung jedenfalls bei der Suche nach objektiven Kriterien für den Systemvergleich gescheitert. Und sie wird nach meiner Überzeugung auch künftig wenig Erfolg dabei haben. Umso bedeutsamer sind solche Erfahrungsberichte wie Du sie gibst. Erinnerst Du Dich noch an Günter Wallraff "Ganz unten"? Vielleicht wirst Du der Ali des australischen Gesundheitswesens. You will overcome! Peter Sunday March 11th 2001 12:08:40
Name: Peter Kliment
E-mail address:
Comments: Da bin ich wieder, diesmal verspreche ich mich kurz zu halten. Bin froh, dass dein Appetit zurueckczkommen scheint, wenn auch langsam. Ich berichte: Habe einen Termin für den Eingriff an meiner Kehle- jetzt geht´s um den Kragen. A>m 17. April. Herr Chefarzt sah sehr pythiatisch aus: Na ja Herr Kollege, ohne weitere Untersuchungen kann man nichts endgueltig ausschliessen, sie werden bei uns so 4 - 5 Tage bleiben und dann werden wir sehen. Gesundheitserziehung, meine Herren, Patientenbetreuung, nicht Gurgelfleischerei. Wem sage ich das? Hals und Beinbruch uns allen. Ich melde mich wieder. Peter Co.
Sunday March 11th 2001 10:20:32
Name: Barbara and Geoff Westwood
E-mail address:
Comments: Eberhard The following quotation seems very apt through this journey given the treatment and the diversity of people encountered. “Often would the deaf man know the answers had he but the faculty of hearing the questions. Likewise would the unimaginative man guess wisely at the answers had he the wit of posing to himself the appropriate questions.” (Viscount Mumbles, from Essays on the Imagination) This seems to reflect life in general.
Sunday March 11th 2001 03:33:07
Name: Stefan
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard, your reflections show courage from the beginning to the end. Another big C. Many of your thoughts made me resonate. So I put some thoughts in response to paper. My response grew to large for the healing circle. You find it in your e- mailbox. What I did not write down was my full agreement with your critique of the disease management system. My respect for you and Rosemarie. And best wishes. So far so good. Stefan
Sunday March 11th 2001 12:19:55
Name: Kas
E-mail address:
Comments: Managed Care

A managed care company president was given a ticket for a performance of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony. Since she was unable to go, she gave the ticket to one of her managed care reviewers. The next morning she asked him how he had enjoyed it. Instead of a few observations about the symphony in general, she was handed a formal memorandum which read as follows:

For a considerable period, the oboe players had nothing to do. Their number should be reduced, and their work spread over the whole orchestra, avoiding peaks of inactivity.

All 12 violins were playing identical notes. This seems an unneeded duplication, and the staff of this section should be cut. If a volume of sound is really required, this could be accomplished with the use of an amplifier.

Much effort was involved in playing the 16th notes. This appears to be an excessive refinement, and it is recommended that all notes be rounded up to the nearest 8th note. If this were done it would be possible to use para- professionals instead of experienced musicians.

No useful purpose is served by repeating with horns the passage that has already been handled by the strings. If all such redundant passages were eliminated then the concert could be reduced from two hours to twenty minutes.

The symphony had two movements. If Mr. Schubert didn’t achieve his musical goals by the end of the first movement,then he should have stopped there. The second movement is unnecessary and should be cut.

In light of the above, one can only conclude that had Mr. Schubert given attention to these matters, he probably would have had time to finish the symphony.

Friday March 9th 2001 03:44:24
Name: Fran Baum
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Eberhard and Rosemarie I have also just finished the Constant Gardener (a birthday present and unless I received it this way I would not have read it because I'm not usually attracted my thrillers). I also was very impressed by it. He writes so well, its a good yarn and the story of the pharmas is chilling. This was particularly so because of following the story of our own Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee which has been much in our national news of late (for the non- Australian readers of these pages). That committee had been functioning well to keep drug prices down in Australia but now Woolridge (our Illness Minister) has given in to industry pressure to include a person with strong links to drug companies on the committee and two of the most effective members have resigned (Profs David Henry and Don Birkett). Then your story Eberhard of having to pay for a pain killing drugs and today I heard that now 1 in 4 of GPs in NSW have been brought out by large corporations (and will they be interested in quality of care and co- ordination??) So the global privatisation of our health industries continue whereas as Eberhard pointed out we should have health solidarities. Imagine Eberhard if you were being treated in a system that was run by regional publicly controlled health services that were funded by taxation, didn't give a stuff about profit focussed on co-ordinated care and prevention and health promotion and above all strived to ensure people with life threatening illnesses were well treated. But that dream, that so many of us in public health have cherished, seems to be ever more receeding. Why do people even begin to believe that making illness care a business can be good for anyone but shareholders and those employed on large executive salaries. But I'm not telling you anything you or the readers of these pages won't know. It is just that your experiences and books such as The Constant Gardener do keep reminding me why the struggle is important. Perhaps one day soon there will be glimmers that our dreams of a fair, public solidarity focussed health and illness care system just might be possible Well there ends tonight's sermon! Ps was thinking of you Eberhard as we had a meeting of the PHC PHERP group we all agreed we're looking forward to having you back to advance our web page thinking!
Wednesday March 7th 2001 02:43:38
Name: Susanne
E-mail address:
Comments: Lieber Eberhard, liebe Rosi, super,Eberhard,herzlich willkommen im Alltagsirrsinn! Du regst Dich über die Unlogik der Versicherungen auf,fährst Auto, liegst vor der "Glotze" und ärgerst Dich über das schlechte Programm, das finde ich toll.Weiter so, das ist ein Teil des Alltags, wie wir ihn alle erleben und dass du daran wieder teilnehmen kannst und willst und sogar Pläne schmiedest, freut mich ungemein! Gerade kommt Mayra vorbei, guckt mir über die Schulter:" Ah, du schreibst an Eberhard. Der schafft es, Ma, daran glaube ich fest. Grüß ihn von mir!" Und mit diesen so einfach dahin geworfenen, aber für mich bedeutungsschweren Worten schlürft sie vor die "Glotze", angelt sich im Vorbeigehen noch ein paar Stück Kuchen und sappt durch die Programme.Alltag in Klein-Berlin. Jetzt steht Kati neben mir und sagt:" Auch wenn ich ihn nicht kenne, bitte grüße ihn auch von mir!"Auch Kati wünscht sich, dass Du gesund wirst. In diesem Sinne umarme ich Euch und hoffe, dass es weiter "bergauf" geht.Eure Sanne.
Sunday March 4th 2001 08:45:31
Name: Kas
E-mail address:
Comments: OUTRAGEOUS!! They won't pay for the mouthwash because you are not currently receiving therapy???? Aaaarrrrrggghhhh. Boy would I like to be there to challenge THAT! Radiation burn would look minimal compared to the roast I would make of that meat. Jerks! This kind of crap just burns me up!

You are a much nicer person than I - something I have always suspected but is now confirmed. This is the kind of 'disease mismanagement' that makes me want to go postal.

Surprising how easy it is to get tired. Make sure to calculate your activity time to include 'the return trip' and not just the activity time. I remember being similarly limited at one time in my life. When I started feeling better, it just felt so good to be out! I recall thinking I would just walk down the street to the park on this incredibly beautiful day. I got to the park...and that was it, I didn't have the strength to get back home. I sat on the curb and wept and ended up being carried home by a friend who rid me of my embarrassment by telling me six ways to Sunday what a numbskull I was. So be careful, I doubt you are light enough for one person to carry. So you would end up with several people telling you you were a numbskull %~D

Saturday March 3rd 2001 04:06:52
Name: Kas
E-mail address:
Comments: It feels so good to feel good! It is wonderful to feel tired from 'doing' intead of feeling tired from just 'being'. I like the advice to be like a cat. Wonderful that you are feeling better.
Thursday March 1st 2001 02:14:29

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